our garden

Thursday 15 June 2023

white roses

Our garden is very much a rose garden at the moment. We have red roses, pink roses, peach roses, yellow roses. But by far the poet’s favourites are the white roses. He’s a Yorkshireman, you see, and the white rose is the emblem of Yorkshire.

That’s why I was delighted to see among the overgrowth at the foot of the garden, along the hedgerow, these pretty white roses forcing their way through.

The roses are not the only things pushing through the greenery at the moment. We have lots of brambles that will all be ripped out just as soon as we’ve harvested this year’s crop of blackberries.

lots of blackberry flowers

We have giant clumps of these all over the garden, and they all have lots of buds, flowers and young fruits on them. I have a feeling we’ll be going blackberry barmy in the kitchen this autumn.

The poet is trying to keep on top of the lawns, but because he’s also currently chopping down the hedges alongside the driveway, he’s filling up the green wheelie bin far too quickly.

The front lawn is starting to look a bit parched. We have rain forecast for next week. I hope it arrives. The poet hasn’t started on the lawn down the side of the house, so that still looks green at least.

Can you see that giant bramble at the end of this lawn, though? That’s just one of our patches. It’s about 10 foot deep and 15 foot long. But it needs to be tamed once we’ve taken the fruit.

The poet had to hack at the hedges along the top end of the drive because we were struggling to keep the gates open. And when we did manage to lock the gate open, we were getting stung to bits. There were nettles there as well as thistles.

It’s all clean and tidy now. There’s nothing we can do about the wall the gates are attached to so now all he has to do is clear the rest of the hedge so that we can park more easily.

We have buttercups, daisies and clover sprouting up all over the lawn. I love daisies and I grabbed the above picture before he chopped them all off with the lawnmower.

There’s an unidentified shrub growing at the back of the garage. It looks white in the picture above, but it’s actually a dull mauve.

Finally, for this week, the petunias he bought for two of the pots have started to flower. He found out about petunias from my dad.

potted petunias

2 thoughts on “Thursday 15 June 2023

  1. It’s all so pretty! Do you find the roses fussy? At the Cape house, if I fussed with the roses, they didn’t like it. If I left them alone, except to prune them, they thrived.

    You’ll have fun with the blackberries!


    1. Oh my goodness. I didn’t realise it was set up for comment approval over here. I’ll have to change that… just as soon as I’ve found it on this one!

      We’ve hardly done anything to the roses and they’ve gone berserk. Ian pruned them right back quite late and we didn’t think we’d see them this year. But, there they are. We’ve noticed a lot of roses in the village, and a lot of the yellow ones. They might thrive on the soil here. We can’t believe the ones that are pushing through the hedge. It’s a giant hedge.

      We seem to be doing a bit of a blackberry dance (like a rain dance, but for blackberries). We keep going and looking to see how they’re doing.


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